Academic Coaching

Academic coaching is an individualized approach to student success that builds on a student’s academic strengths and fosters success through targeted one-on-one meetings with a professional staff member.  Academic Coaching, though encouraged for first-year students, is available to continuing students upon request.

Individualized Academic Coaching

Rather than covering pre-determined topics, academic coaching allows a student to focus on the areas in which they would like to improve. Professional members of the Student Success Center have been trained to recognize the areas that many first year students struggle with, and build each student’s program based on the student’s goals for the semester or year.

Common needs that academic coaching assists with include:

  • Time management and task prioritization
  • Setting and meeting goals and deadlines
  • Connecting with campus resources
  • Organization and anti-procrastination skills
  • Staying motivated through challenges
  • Navigating stresses associated with transitioning from high school to college
  • Learning effective study strategies
  • Helping building self-advocacy, self-determination, and self-confidence
  • and so much more.

If you are struggling, feeling overwhelmed, want a second opinion, or just need support to overcome a hurdle, please be in touch. We are here for you.

Academic Coaches

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